Mobile Riddling and Disgorgement Services for Cap Classique

Friday, 19 April, 2024
Delphine     0793030452
Western Cape  

You need assistance with the riddling and disgorgement of your precious Cap Classique? 
We may be your solution! 

Estate Mobile Bottling and Labelling has been offering the service of tirage/bottling of the blended wine for more than 20 years, and 2021 marked the launch of additional services to complete the Cap Classique production process.

Each one of our Gyropalettes® Duo can riddle 1008 standard Cap Classique bottles perfectly in less than 5 days, saving you time, cellar floor space and money

Our Mobile Cooling unit enables you to chill the wine down to the ideal temperature before disgorgement, thus minimizing gushing and loss.
Delivered before the disgorgement production day, it can fit 10 riddling cages (5040 Standard Bottles)

Our Mobile Disgorging line is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art machinery and will enable you to disgorge and dose your Cap Classique, apply cork and wire-hood, mix the wine and liqueur de dosage, and eventually wash and dry the bottles at the end of production.

Please visit our website or contact us at for more information.

We will get back to you in the pop of a cork!