Want to publish on wine.co.za for FREE?

Wednesday, 19 March, 2025
Judy Brower     0218512737

Keen to ensure your News or your Wine fact sheets reach the right audience?  wine.co.za has launched its new innovative and flexible TOKEN system and as part of the launch, is offering you 2 FREE Tokens...  offer valid till 25th March only!

What is a Token?

It is the means to publishing your info on wine.co.za, whether it be a News item, or a Wine Fact Sheet or an Event or your Restaurant... we have simplified things so that you can publish just ONE thing, or a few things, or bump up your content or take out an Annual Contract as a winery and have access to publish UNLIMITED content, all year round!

ONE TOKEN = R950 = Publication of any News story, Wine fact sheet, Event in our Diary, Photo Album, Video Link, Restaurant, Accommodation or Tasting Room.

So your 2 FREE Tokens are worth R1 900 - so CLAIM it NOW!
This special offer is valid only till 25th March - so don't wait - claim your free tokens today!

Token Special image
And when they are used up - all you need to do is top up - either one at a time, or save 15% by buying a TOKEN-10 bundle at R8 000 - saving you R1 500!

See more on our RATE CARD HERE.